Friday, August 23, 2013

New School Year! Homeschool off and running...

Hi all! Sorry it's been so long since I've sat down and written anything other than a Speechless Sunday posts.

We are officially in the new school year! I now have a 4th grader, 2nd grader, a Kindergartner, and a Pre-K (plus the 18 month old Curious George!).

And surprisingly the first week went well. The only thing is.... 1. The curriculum I bought for the second grader is the wrong box/grade level (can't find the right one on sale and don't have $400 for a new curriculum), 2. I started the year without cleaning my homeschool room (opps), and 3. There's still not enough time in the day to do everything I want to teach (because I get over zealous and want to teach everything there is to know all at once).

So this weekend will be a number of things- 1. Clean my school room. 2. Break out a calendar and actually organize when we will "tentatively" cover subjects I want to cover. 3. Keep hunting on ebay for the right curriculum and praying hard it goes on sale.

All this goes along with preparing to assist in teaching my first ASL class to homeschoolers, keeping up with my fitness goals (training for The Color Run- my 1st 5K in October!), Lego League for oldest son, dance for 2 girls, karate for middle daughter, American Heritage Girls for 1 daughter,  AWANAs 4 out of 5 kids, church commitments, and a million other things.

Can we just skip to summer now?

I promise to back soon with some tips on organizing and how we actually teach our Deaf daughters- SOON!

Blessings to you-

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